Services & Pricing

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen?

Hyperbaric oxygen is literally oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure. This increased atmospheric pressure is achieved with a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. The increased atmospheric pressure drives the oxygen into the body’s tissues and even into the cellular spaces in the body. This increase in oxygen can assist the body in healing, letting go of inflammation, stimulating collagen production and supporting many, many other processes in the body.

*Continue scrolling for a comprehensive list of packages and pricing. Oxygen and Light offers packages up of up to 4o sessions and also weekly and monthly subscriptions.

60 mins |  $160

Hyperbaric Oxygen requires a doctors order or prescription. For your convenience, you can have your intake form(medical history and conditions) reviewed and a hyperbaric prescription written, if applicable.

One time fee of $80

Hyperbaric Packages and Pricing

Single session Packages

  • 45 min $120 x5 $500 x10 $1000 x20 $1900 x40 $3800

  • 60 min $160 x5 $700 x10 $1400 x20 $2700 x40 $5400

  • 90 min $185 x5 825 x10 $1650 x20 $3200 x40 $6400

  • 120 min $200 x5 $900 x10 $1800 x20 $3500 x40 $7000

    *Packages of 5, 10, 20 sessions are good for 6 months from the date of purchase

  • Purchasing a 40 session package saves you $1000

    HBOT 2 Week Front Load Intensive

    **Best for those trying to jump start the healing process, this is a good option for those with autoimmune conditions, head injuries, neurological conditions(including neuro-atypical individuals), pre or post surgery, pre or post cosmetic procedures, and post viral illnesses

  • 2 Weeks of Unlimited HBOT+ Red Light $675

    -Up to 14 HBOT sessions and up to 14 red light sessions, one for each of the 14 consecutive days, hyperbaric sessions lasting up to 120 min and red light sessions lasting up to 40 min

    -Frontloading is the practice of getting many hyperbaric sessions into a short period of time as you, generally 2-6 treatments per week for 2-6 weeks

    -This helps the body in receiving the maximum benefit from the cumulative effects of oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure.

    -One of the biggest benefits is allowing the body to gain momentum in the healing process

    HBOT 30 Day Program

    **Best for TBI, pre/post surgery and complex and chronic illness symptoms to “front load” the treatment

  • Tier I $775

    for 30 days, up to 2 hyperbaric sessions and 2 red light per week -each hyperbaric session lasting up to 120 min each

  • Tier II $1075

    for 30 days, up to 4 hyperbaric sessions and up to 4 red light sessions per week - each hyperbaric session lasting up to 120 min each

  • Tier III $1800

    for 30 days, unlimited hyperbaric sessions and red light - up to one hyperbaric session per day lasting up to 120 min each and up to one red light session per day lasting up to 45 min in the bed and up to 30 min with the helmet.

    12 Week Unlimited Program

  • $4800 - For 12 weeks, up to 7 hyperbaric sessions and 7 red light sessions per week; each hyperbaric session lasting up to 120 min each and red light lasting up to 40 min each

**Can opt for HBOT only with Tier I and Tier II for $100 less

***Tier I, Tier II, Tier III are all valid for 30 days from the date of purchase and expires the day following the 30th day

****12 Week Unlimited is valid 12 weeks from the date of purchase, ending on the 84th day from date of purchase

*****All sales final, no refunds on hyperbaric or red light packages or programs, not transferrable to other persons or services.

Gift certificates available for red light, hyperbaric oxygen, and physician review of intake form.

A prescription or written referral is required before receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Gift certificates not transferrable to other persons, services, supplements, or items different from what was purchased.

Red Light

Red light has been around for many years but has recently gained popularity with the antiaging and weight loss communities. The devices that we have at Oxygen and Light are from a German company that has done extensive research into using laser and specific wavelengths in a medical application. Our devices are in the 660 nm (red light) and 880 nm (near-infrared) ranges. At Oxygen and Light we offer a relaxing and soothing environment for you to absorb all the benefits the red light has to offer.

*Keep scrolling for a comprehensive list of packages and pricing.

35 mins |  $40  

Get a red light device for your home:

To purchase your own Weber devices follow the link below

Red Light Packages and Pricing

Single session Packages

All packages are good/valid 6 months from date of purchase

  • 35 min $40 x3 $100 x5 $175 x10 $350 x20 $700

  • 30 Day Unlimited $140

  • 1 Year Unlimited $1,300

    *****All sales final, no refunds on hyperbaric or red light packages or programs, not transferrable to other persons or services


Provider Consultation for Hyperbaric Oxygen

Uses, benefits, indications, protocols, nuances, etc

Initial Session 60 min $275

Follow up 30 min $150

To schedule, email or call 206-939-9488

Health Coaching

If you are looking to take control of your health and would like some guidance, we are here to assist. Whether it’s something small or something big, changing eating habits, starting new fitness goals, or just starting the life you really want to live we hare here for you on your journey.

Initial session 65 mins |  $125

Follow up, 50 mins |  $75